

IBBY Palestinako kideen mezua

Azken bost urteetan IBBYk Gazako (Palestina) Haur eta Gazteen bi liburutegi babestu ditu IBBY Children in Crisis Fundation sailaren bidez. IBBYk eta erakunde horretako atal guztiok uste dugu liburuen bidez elkar ulertzeko zubiak eta pertsonen arteko bakea eraiki daitezkeela, baina uneotan bidea ez da batere samurra Gazako kideentzat, izan ere, Israelgo armadaren bonbek Gazako bi liburutegiak birrindu dituzte. Hori dela eta, jasaten ari diren zapalkuntza salatzeko gutuna idatzi dute:

IBBY Libraries in Gaza/ Israeli Aggression

Dear friends

The two IBBY library areas that are border areas (Rafah and Beit Hanoun) have been heavily bombarded by Israeli military, thousands of Palestinians living there have been displaced. The two areas are now military zones after the Israeli land invasion. PBBY received this message from the librarian in Beit Hanoun, Abla Hassan, about the situation there before she was displaced two days. (It is getting worse):

The al-Ata’ community based centre that hosts the library has been targeted and very badly damaged. The children court yard has been destroyed as well as books, computers, windows and walls. As to houses of the children who use the library, three houses have been completely destroyed and thirty houses partially destroyed. The number of children or their family members killed is not known yet.

No known news about the library in al-Shawka – Rafah. All families are displaced including the librarian Mahmoud who left two days ago and described the situation it was ‘horrific tens of civilians killed and tens of houses destroyed no specific news about the situation of the children using the library and the library building.