

"Kultura anitz, istorio bakarra" leloa Haur Liburuaren Nazioarteko Egunerako

Arabiar Emirerri Batuen IBBYren erakundeak sortu ditu 2015eko Haur Liburuaren Nazioarteko Eguneko mezua eta posterra, "Kultura anitz, istorio bakarra" lelopean. Marwa Al Aqroubi idazleak idatzi du aurtengo mezua. Bertan dioen bezala, "Hizkuntza askotan mintzatzen gara eta testuinguru desberdinetatik gatoz, baina istorio bera partekatzen dugu".

Aurtengo posterraren irudia, berriz, Nasim Abaeiam ilustratzaile iraniarrarena da. Gaur egun, Arabiar Emirerri Batuetako Zayed Unibertsitateko irakaslea da Arte eta Diseinu departamentuan eta freelance moduan egiten du lan haur liburuak ilustratuz.

Hona hemen, mezu osoa ingelesez:

Many Cultures One Story

“We speak many languages and come from different backgrounds, Yet we share the same stories”

International stories... folklore stories

It’s the same story told to us all In different voices In different colors

Yet it remains unchanged...



And End...

It is the same story we all know & love

We all heard it In different versions by different voices

Yet it is always the same

There is a hero... a princess... & a villain

No matter their language

Their names

Or their faces It is always the same

Beginning, Plot And Ending

Always that hero...that princess and that villain

Unchanged through centuries

They keep us company

They whisper to us in our dreams

They lull us to sleep

Their voices long gone

But they live in our hearts forever

For they bring us together in a land of mystery and imagination

So that all different cultures melt into One Story

written by: Marwa Al Aqroubi

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